Mr. Ajay Mehta
Independent Director
Mr. Ajay Mehta is an Independent Director in Mahindra Logistics and was appointed on the Board of the Company on March 27, 2015. He is Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and Stakeholder Relationship Committee of the Board. He has 34 years of experience and practice in the fields of taxation, auditing, accounting, and finance. He is a partner in Rajendra Shah and Associates, Chartered Accountants, which provides consultancy services to the Government of Maharashtra for its information technology company – Maharashtra Information Technology Corporation Limited. His firm is also on the panel of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Audit Panel. He is also the proprietor of Ajay Mehta & Company, Chartered Accountants. He has audited several nationalised banks and companies, and also provides services to various non-governmental organisations.
Mr. Mehta is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from Government Law College, University of Mumbai, and a bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the University of Mumbai.